Basic Blackjack Strategy

When watching people at a casino, often times you'll notice that
they're just guessing at what decision to make next. This is most
obvious when watching people who play blackjack. They are totally
unaware of how much of an effect they have on the total outcome
if they were familiar with some of the basics of blackjack. Unlike
many other conventional casino games, blackjack is actually a positive
expectation game and can work to your full advantage, if the right
decisions are made while you play.
Blackjack strategy revolves around some simple rules that are easy
to remember, mainly because they make so much sense. If these basic
blackjack strategy rules are followed it can definitely help you
along the way. The odds in blackjack have been calculated accordingly,
thus creating this set of laws, giving you the best chances of getting
a higher hand than the dealer.
The blackjack strategy you'll find here on
is basic strategy and the most basic approach to the game you can
find. Looking further into any other strategy would involve considering
double decks, triple decks, and even as much as eight decks. Quite
honestly that's a lot of rules to remember. If you are a professional
looking for something to beat the strategy you are currently using,
this will seem like introductory stuff to you. But, you have to
start somewhere. Often times, playing basic blackjack strategy can
yield better results than something complicated, mainly because
of the fact that it is harder to remember and it's easier to make
a mistake. With the rules found here on you
can't go wrong.
Basic Blackjack Strategy rules
and Chart - Improve your chances of winning by learning effective
- yet basic blackjack strategy rules here on 
Counting Cards - In conjunction
with basic blackjack strategy some more advanced players may choose
to count cards, in which case the odds of winning are increased.