How to Play Blackjack

Blackjack is all about the number twenty-one. The suits of the
cards mean nothing; their rank is of sole importance. Two through
ten are counted at their number value. Jacks, queens, and kings
are counted as ten. Aces can be one or eleven, as the player prefers.
Each player competes with the dealer to build a hand that has a
point total closer to twenty-one but not over that amount. The initial
hand consists of two cards. When these two cards are a combination
of any ten and an ace (a total of 21), the player has “Blackjack”
(also called a natural) and automatically wins (assuming the dealer
doesn't also have a natural). Blackjack is dealt about once every
twenty hands.
When the initial card combination totals less than twenty-one,
the player can ask for additional cards in an attempt to get closer
to twenty-one without going over. Receiving an additional card is
called a hit. Refusing additional cards is a stand. Players who
exceed twenty-one automatically lose. This is called a bust or a
break. When all the players have finished hitting, standing, and
sometimes busting, it's the dealer's turn to complete a hand. If
the dealer busts and the player hasn't also busted the player wins.
If the dealer has a lower hand, the player wins. A tie (called a
push) has no winner and no money changes hands. The only way a player
can lose without busting is when the dealer is closer to twenty-one,
so the house advantage rests primarily on the fact that players
complete their hands first.
A natural win is paid 3:2. That means a ten-dollar bet will win
you fifteen additional dollars. All other bets are paid 1:1 (except
when using insurance, which is discussed in our blackjack
rules section).
More On How to Play and Blackjack
Table Layout