Blackjack Professor

Online Blackjack

The rules to playing blackjack at land-based casinos and online casinos are virtually identical, unless you're playing a special variation of blackjack online or at a land casino. Since I'm a huge blackjack fan I can't get enough of it, and even though I go to Vegas and other gaming destinations very frequently I still play online at least 3 - 4 times a week. After doing my research and comparing the two types of blackjack (online and land-based) I've come to the conclusion that the odds are exactly the same and can result in a positive outcome if you play the proper strategy.

Playing blackjack online is really simple; the interface is built to mimic the same kind of commands you'd give the blackjack dealer in a land-based casino. Only, online, these actions are performed by clicking on the buttons supplied in the user interface of the online casinos software. For example: you have 12 and the virtual blackjack dealer is showing 15. Basic blackjack strategy would say hit, so you'd press the bottom labeled "Hit" or "Hit Me" in order to receive another card, and hopefully the dealer will bust. Buttons are available in the user interface for all the same actions you'd perform at land casinos, such as, stand, split, insurance, etc...

Many players prefer to play at land-based casinos. This is mainly attributed to things like big crowds, flashy lights, and beautiful waitresses serving free alcohol at the blackjack tables. When you weigh out the costs associated with a trip out to Vegas, a lot of the time it's very impractical, as the costs for the flight and hotel can be rather expensive. Many serious gamblers don't really care about the costs for the trip as they may be high-rollers and have tens of thousands of dollars, which their willing to loose on their next trip to Vegas. For people like myself even though I really enjoy land-based casinos playing online is fast and easy to get into.

Due to the competitive nature of this industry, online casinos offer player incentives in the form of bankroll bonuses at their casinos. This basically means that they'll give you free money to play at their casino when you make a deposit. For example, if you deposit $100 at an online casino, often times they'll comp you up to 100% the amount of your initial deposit, so your initial bankroll would then be $200 to play with. There are however conditions that have to be met before you can cash that money out, these are called wagering requirements and should be read over prior to making your deposit.

With virtually thousands of online casinos to choose from online and many unscrupulous casino operators out there, there are some things to look for to keep you safe even before you start playing. Below is a list of some of the things you should look for before you even decide to download the free software or play instant software at a casino.

  • Look to see if the casino is licensed in a known gaming jurisdiction such as Antigua, Kahnawake, Isle of Man, etc...
  • Look to see if a reputable gaming software provider powers the casino. These include the following: Microgaming #1 provider, Playtech, Cryptologic and Odds On.
  • Does the casino offer 24/7 customer support?
  • Review the payout percentages of the casinos you want to play at.
  • Review the bonus structure and wagering requirements of the casino prior to playing.

More on Types of Blackjack here

Blackjack Rules
How to Play
Table Layout
Blackjack Tips
Types of Blackjack
Casino Blackjack
Online Blackjack
Blackjack Strategy
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